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Composition of the Assembly in Pinar del Río

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Composición de la APPP


The Provincial Assembly of Popular Power

The Provincial Assembly of Popular Power is the highest organ of State power in each political-administrative demarcation, whose limits are set by law, and, consequently, it is vested with the highest authority for the exercise of its state functions in that territory and for that purpose, within the framework of its competence, and in accordance with the law, it exercises government.

For the exercise of its functions, the Provincial Assembly of Popular Power relies on working commissions in the Popular Councils, in the General Administration, as well as on the initiative and broad participation of the population, in close coordination with the mass and social organizations.

The first Provincial Assembly of the Popular Power of Pinar del Río was constituted on November 7, 1976, in Mangos de Roque, municipality of Mantua, National Monument, and on March 25, 2018 the current Provincial Assembly was constituted for a new five-year term of office, in which the 75 members were presented, directly elected by the people in the context of the general elections of the organs of People's Power held on March 11 last, in addition to the 32 deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power, representing our province.

The Provincial Assembly of Popular Power has the following functions
1. To participate in the elaboration and control of the execution of the budget and the technical economic plan of the State.
2. To control and inspect the activity of the Administrative Staff of the province.
3. Approve the creation and organization of Popular Councils at the proposal of the Municipal Assemblies.
4. Form and dissolve work commissions.

Ernesto Barreto Castillo, presidente de la APPP

Ernesto Barreto Castillo

President of the Provincial Assembly of Popular Power

Leonor Lina Plasencia Hernández, vice presidenta de la APPP

Leonor Lina Plasencia Hernández

Vice presidenta de la Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular


Presidente de la Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular y el Consejo de la Administración

Iraida Hernández Machín

Secretary of the Provincial Assembly of Popular Power

Iraida Hernández Machín, Secretaria de la APPP

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