Procedures and Services

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Procedures of the Electricity Company

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  • Submitting a Claim and Processing It +

    Clients may report a property damage complaint within three (3) working days of the event occurrence in the following ways: By telephone to the number provided for service complaints in each territory. By personal or telephone in the Commercial Offices or in the Municipal UEB To submit a claim by the interested customer and accept it by the Electric Company, the building, premises, or place where damage occurs to the equipment whose replacement is claimed, must have basic electrical installations provided: Neutral conductor in all the installations of the building. Thermomagnetic switch (breaker) or fuses in the main protection. Properly Read More
  • Temporary Services +

    Temporary services are considered to be those whose contracting period is less than 90 days. Two types of contingent services are considered: Fixed Base and Variable Base. Temporary services with a fixed base are applied in the private sector to all services contracted for a period of up to 90 days and must be charged in advance. This form of payment will be applied to private non-residential customers who pay their consumption in cash, e.g. churches, lodges and others. The variable base will be applied to services contracted from the state sector for a period of more than 30 days, Read More
  • Request for Electric Power Supply +

    To make a request for electric power supply the customer must be submitted to the Commercial Office of the relevant locality no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the need for service. Within this term, it is verified whether or not it complies with the technical conditions for the execution of the service. The client must provide the following information: 1. Name and Surname of the applicant. 2. Identity card number. 3. Address of the property in question detailing: Street and Number, if it does not have a number, detail if the sidewalk is even or odd numbered. Read More
  • Additions, Deletions, Relocations, Name and CEE Changes in the Residential Sector +

    In the Commercial Offices of the UEBT several services are offered to customers in the residential sector, among which we can mention: Additions, Removals, Transfers, Name Changes, EEC Changes. Discharges for Existing Houses Every person who is given a house must go to the Commercial Office located in the area of that property to make the corresponding request for services. Discharges for Reconnection (more than 30 days of having caused sick leave) This case is treated as a new service. Discharges Withdrawals may occur at the request of the customer or ordered by the Commercial Office, for abandonment of the Read More
  • 1

Contacts of the municipal offices:

Pinar del Río

San Luis

Los Palacios

La Palma


Minas de Matahambre




Consolación del Sur

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