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Cuba Postal Services

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Universal Postal Service (basic postal services):

Taxation in post offices and home delivery of national and international correspondence.

Imposition in post offices and delivery of national and international postal packages.

Taxation in post offices and delivery of telegrams.

Home delivery of press and publications to the state and private sector.

Imposition and payment of national and international drafts.

Other Non-Basic Postal Services:

Taxation in post offices and home delivery of courier and express parcels.

Taxation in post offices and delivery of official mail of agencies and resolutions.

Freight paid to state entities.

Leases of boxes and postal drawers to state and private entities.

Sale of press and publications, stamps, postcards, almanacs.

Collection Services and Payments on Account of Third Entities:

Electricity bill collection (UNE).

Telephone service bill collection (ETECSA).

Collection of the housing coupon.

Collection of personal credits (BPA).

Payment of social security to retirees (INASS-MTSS).

Payment of social assistance to beneficiaries (INASS-MTSS).

Other Services on Account of Third Entities:

Sale of stamps tax on documents ISD (ONAT).

Sale of models for procedures (ONAT).

Delivery of tax packages to self-employed workers (ONAT).

Sale of prepaid telephone cards (ETECSA).

Contact details of municipal mail offices:

Pinar del Río


Consolación del Sur


La Palma

Los Palacios


Minas de Matahambre

San Juan y Martínez

San Luis


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