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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba


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Dirección Provincial de Deportes

We want you to know more about our Provincial Sports Directorate.

Pinar del Río was the last province where INDER was founded and Rolando Cairo Sáez (El Chino) was its first director. In the first days of June 1961 he had his first contact with Jose Llanusa and in the second fortnight of June he was appointed to this function, still having the responsibility he held in the Rebel Army. The first months were organizational. INDER's office was located on the ground floor of the former Spanish Colony in this city.

In the first days of September Rolando Cairo was removed from the Army and in the same month his official appointment was made as director of INDER in this province, which resulted in the sixth director of this institution, taking into account the political-administrative division of the country which had six provinces at that time. Immediately they give him a local located in Martí # 156 where the offices of the organism are installed in Pinar del Río.

Recently it was transferred, when settling here, the Direction of Sports of the head municipality with the same name. In the beginning it was called Provincial Sectorial of Sports and it resided in the direction before mentioned until shortly after January 19, 1969 in which it is transferred for the recently inaugurated Stadium Captain San Luis.

After the new division and political-administrative organization of Cuba in 1976 and the creation of the Popular Power it takes the name of Provincial Direction of Sports when the regions disappear as an intermediate link. Many were the tasks and achievements since then and the participation of the population through the Voluntary Sports Councils that played a fundamental role in the activities of Physical Culture and Sport, because there were no qualified personnel for it, so they are given courses on television, prepare workers in Active Teaching of sport and are put into function dissimilar ways to carry out the proposed objectives.

In the same way, we proceed to search for the essential means for it, such as sports implements, facilities and everything necessary to fulfill the great sports movement of sport in the province. Thus, on July 26, 1961, the Ateneo Deportivo was inaugurated, the first sports facility in Pinar del Río, where the EIDE Ormani Arenado Llonch was located, later the Provincial School of Athletic Improvement (ESPA) and currently the Training School for Physical Education Teachers, EPEF Commander Manuel Piti Fajardo, which marked the beginning of the great changes that were progressively generated until the great sports potential of the province was exhibited at this time.

The province currently has 97 athletes in High Performance National Schools, as well as the 900 who are enrolled in the EIDE, and 100 of the 4 Academies of sports: baseball, boxing, basketball and soccer, each of which has 25 athletes, of all these 97 with immediate perspectives. It has more than 350 figures and sports glories between retired and active that are part of the history of sport in the province and the country in different sports disciplines.

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