Our Region

From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Raúl Sepero Bonilla - Ateneo Bookstore

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Its social object, besides the commercialization of the books of the national and provincial publishing houses, is to promote our authors through a cultural program conceived so that the most important figures of the territory can have talks, conversations and book presentations.

Main activities:

·         Playing among books. With Titiriparque

Time: 2.00 pm

Date: 1st Thursday of the Month

·         Poetry and something else. With Evelín Gómez 

Time: 2:30pm

Date: 1st and 2nd Wednesday of the month

·         What's new. With Rodolfo Duarte

Time: 3:00pm

Date: 1st Friday of the Month

·         Storytelling Hadibrujas. With Marcia Jiménez

Time: 2:00pm

Date: 3rd Wednesday of the Month

·        Poetics. With Yunier Serrano

Time: 2.00pm

Date: 3rd Thursday of the Month

·         Meeting of historians. With Enrique Giniebra

Time: 2:30pm

Date: 4th Thursday of the Month

·         Encounter of narrators. With Fidel Valverde

Time: 2.00pm

Date: 4th Friday of the Month

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