These procedures are carried out at the offices of the Municipal Directorate of Physical Planning:
Buying and Selling, Donation and Exchange with the State +
Resolution No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute When, due to the existence of urban and territorial regulations that prevent it, the owners of wasteland plots could not obtain authorization to use them in the construction of their own home, the DMPF may be interested in exchanging them for another property of the state,with the same or similar characteristics, if it exists. It must accompany by the title that accredits the land property, the Property Certification and Property Registry Gravamen. The owner may also offer the land he owns for sale to the State. The application is submitted to the… Read More -
Construction License +
It is an obligatory technical-administrative document prior to any urban, architectural and constructive action, aimed at complying with urban regulations and other technical standards. The Construction License is issued for: Resolución No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute. Construction actions that occupy land definitively, construction of new dwellings, extension of existing dwellings and any other actions that involve structural modifications in individual dwellings and multi-family buildings. It accompanies the application of the natural person document of the surface perpetual right, property of the wasteland plot or the cession of roof use, in the case of new constructions, and title of… Read More -
Description, appraisal, measures and boundaries +
Description, appraisal, measures and boundaries:Disposición Jurídica Resolución No. 54/14 del Instituto de Planificación Física. The technical opinion of description, appraisal, measures and boundaries is issued by the DMPF, and natural people present it to the Physical Planning Officer (OGTV): ground ownership and ground plan survey, property description and appraisal calculation (technical document) prepared by the authorized entity (currently Community Architect). Term: 20 working days. Stamp: $5.00. The measures and boundaries set by the Municipal Physical Planning Office will be updated in the Technical Report through a cadastral certification. Read More -
Litigation and claims concerning wasteland plots +
Litigation and claims concerning wasteland plots, perpetual surface rights, measures and boundaries: Legal Provision Resolución No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute. When there is a conflict around wasteland plots, perpetual surface right or measures and boundaries, the affected person will promote the process in writing, without any formality, in which it is stated briefly and clearly what is claimed and the facts and legal bases of what is requested, attaching the documents that are in the possession of the claimant in this respect, and expressing any evidence that he intends to use or by means of an appearance before… Read More -
Other Procedures and Bienhechurías +
Copying documents. Natural people. Certificate of microlocalization and macrolocalization. Legal people. Certificates of land use. Natural and legal people. Numbering certificate. What do we understand by Bienhechurías? Buildings, facilities or other necessary or useful works for the adequate attention and protection of crops, animals and plantations, the conservation and improvement of soils and crops. Copy of documents. Natural people. Certificate of microlocalization and macrolocalization. Legal people. Certificates of land use. Natural and legal people Numbering certificate. Natural people. To update a property (plot of land or dwelling, for example) a NUMBERATION CERTIFICATE is required, it is a document that provides… Read More -
Rates for natural people +
Rates for natural people. Construction License for housing, value of technical service in pesos and value of the stamp. Technical services Technical Service Stamp value in pesos Construction License for housing a) New construction up to 60 m² total $55.00 $10.00 b) New construction from 60 to 80 m² total $75.00 $15.00 c) New construction over 80 m² total $95.00 $15.00 d) Expansion and remodeling of up to 60 m² total $35.00 $10.00 e) Expansion and remodeling from 60 to 80 m² total $55.00 $15.00 f) Expansion and remodeling of more than 80 m² total $75.00 $15.00 g)… Read More -
Certificate of habitable +
It is an administrative document through which is certified that the investment of a house, covered by a construction license has been completed; it has all the facilities required in the technical documentation and therefore fulfil all the requirements for registration in the corresponding bookmark. Certificate of Habitable: Legal Disposition Resolution No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute. When the work is finished, the natural person requests the Certificate of Habitable to the Physical Planning Officer (OGTV), previous verification that this has been made in agreement with the aspects of the executive project analyzed, and the regulations and conditional expressly… Read More -
Certificate of Urban Regulations +
Certificate of Urban Regulations: Disposición Jurídica Resolución No. 54/14 del Instituto de Planificación Física. The interested person submits his application to the Physical Planning Officer (OGTV). Term: 10 working days after the application. Read More -
Cession of roof use +
Cession of roof use: Resolution No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute Owners may concede the use of the roof of their property, with or without payment, in favor of people who need it to build their home, provided that the new building is technically possible and that there are no urban or territorial regulations that prevent it, prior approval of the DPPF. Those interested in ceding the use of the roof for the construction of housing submit a written request to the Physical Planning officer (OGTV), which should reflect general parts, definition of the act by which it intends… Read More -
Allocation of State Land +
Legal Provisions Resolutions 54 and 55/14 of the Physical Planning Institute Persons interested in building housing by their own efforts on state land must submit their application and substantiation, also listing the applicant's first and last names, identity card, home address, place of location, composition of the family nucleus, as well as a sworn statement that they do not own another home, nor is it the surface of a plot of land or barren plot to build a home by their own efforts. The assignment of state plots and barren plots for the construction of houses by own effort will… Read More -
Personal Property of Wasteland Plots +
Legal Provisions Resolution No. 55/14 of the Physical Planning Institute. It is any portion of land where there is no building or, existing, is of little significance, traced as such in a human settlement. The land annexed to another building that integrates a physical real estate unit and as such is registered in the Land Registry is not considered barren land. Transfer between private individuals The owners of derelict plots that wish to cede these to individuals can do so, by donation or purchase-sale, in favor of people who need them to build their homes, provided that there are no… Read More
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