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Call for Commercial Waiter Course

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1.-Updated Identity Card. (It does not have to be the new one.(If you changed municipality of residence, the new home address must not be less than six months)
• Three photographs (1x1)
• Document that proves to be in the source of income.
• Original document and photocopy of overdue school level.
• Original and photocopy of language issued by Formatur of possessing it.
• If you are a Formatur graduate, present original title and photocopy, as well as certification that supports your incorporation in the specialty in which you graduated for a period not less than two years of having worked in the activity or in its place by foundation of the Office of Turempleo in the territory.
• If you are a worker, present the letter from the work centre accrediting that you are a staff member of the same, expressing your willingness to release you if you are approved. The same must express the name and surname, CI No., work performed, time in the center, attitude maintained, as well as the name and surname of the Director and / or Administrator, Head of human resources, Trade Union Section with the corresponding stamp.
• Present the certificate of the military registry issued by the Municipal Military Committee where it expresses the fulfillment of the General Military Service. (You must request it personally in the Military Committee of your municipality, because if you do it through the service area it takes 15 days).

Annex 1 issued by the military area (men).

Note: These last documents are not the same, so their presentation is obligatory and they are not issued in the same place.

If any document is missing, the process cannot be initiated and all measures must be taken for its presentation.

2.- Sources of admission:

• Persons accredited as reserve of the Tourist Employer Office (OTE).
• Workers available from the Ministry of Tourism system controlled by OTE.

• Qualified reserve controlled by the Municipal Labour Offices.
• Demobilized from Active Military Service and licensed from the FAR and MININT (from July - August 2018 until the start date of the process).
• Technical means controlled by the Directions of Work and to have fulfilled its Social Service, presenting letter of the center of work where it fulfilled it, not the labor training.
• Workers from other sectors of the economy. In the case of Public Health professionals, present the leave authorized by their Ministry and in the case of Education, the leave issued by the Provincial Directorate, in none of the cases will the labor file be accepted as a document that endorses such leave.
• Employees who are unlinked and controlled by the Directorate of Labour in their territory, presenting the official model. (annex 2.)

3.- Distribution by territories.

• Sandino………………….2 places.
• Guane…………………… 2places.
• Pinar del Río, San Juan y Martínez, San Luís y Consolación del Sur…10places
• Viñales….………………..8places.
• Minas de Matahambre….2 places

4.- Reception of Documents.

- Monday 18-2-19: Municipalities of Pinar del Río and San Luís, from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

- Wednesday 20-2-19: Municipalities of Viñales and Consolación del Sur, from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

- Thursday 21-2-2019: Municipalities of San Juan y Martínez, Guane, Sandino and Minas de Matahambre, from 8:30 AM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Note: After these days no documents will be collected so each applicant must adjust to the day that corresponds to them.

(Do not wear flip-flops, sleeves, fisherwomen, or short shorts, for both women and men).

5.- Requirements for the course.

• High academic level.
• To be approved by the commission created for this purpose and the entrance exams.
• Not present chronic diseases such as severe cardiovascular problems, bone, circulatory, psychic disorders, severe allergic skin manifestations and physical motor disorders that impede the normal performance of their profession.
• Age limit 35 years old.
• Have complied with the SMG or comply with the Formatur entry manual regarding low FAR.
• Height limit: at least 1.60 for both sexes.
• No tattoos on hands, arms, neck, face or legs.

NOTE: If you are in a university course and you abandoned it, you must bring the withdrawal from the center of study.

6.- Calendar for the  exams.

• History of Cuba: Monday 25-02-2019 Hours 1:00 PM
• National and international political news: Wednesday 27- 02- 19.Hours 1:00 PM
• Tourism: Thursday 28-02-2019 Hours 1:00 PM
• Psychometric test: Friday 1-03-2019 Hours 8:30 AM
• Individual interview: Wednesday 6-03-2019 Hours 8:00 AM

Note: They will not be processed:
• Other invalidators that will be seen at the time of delivery of the documentation.
• The applicant who has just completed his time of Military Service by the condition of deferred. If it was deferred and years of that condition have elapsed, to present the LEAVE of the university center and the annex 1 that expresses passed to the RESERVE.
• An applicant whose Military Committee document expresses PRE-RECLUTE will not be prosecuted either.
• DO NOT APPLY TO FAR with limitations.

Those interested should present themselves at the Tourism Training Center,  Gerardo Medina Street,  No. 112 , between Antonio Maceo and Ceferino Fernández Viña.

Tel: (53)48754219                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


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