The transit of a student within the province must be approved by the school and the Municipal Direction of Education and the transit of a student outside the province must be approved by the school, the Municipal and Provincial Direction of Education.
Students who are in transit will not be able to travel with the Cumulative School Record, so it is considered a violation that the family has in their possession this document.
They must present a letter of acceptance from the school of the place where they are going to reside temporarily.
At the end of the transit, if the student joins the school where he is enrolled, he must present a document issued by the center where he studied in which the results obtained in the learning of the subjects are specified, as well as any significant fact that is necessary to highlight.
Transit will not exceed one school year and the situation of each student and his or her family will be taken into account when approving the student's length of stay in the school where he or she is temporarily located.
In the case of 6th grade students, the continuity of the student's study must be evaluated starting from his or her stay in the place of residence for a term that exceeds the transit approved by the Municipal Direction of Education.
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