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Citizen Site Pinar del Rio Province

First experience of electronic government in Cuba
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1. To comply with and enforce the legislation in force and the resolutions adopted by the respective Popular Power Assembly.

2. To coordinate, control and supervise in its demarcation the execution of the policies, programs and plans approved by the superior organs of the Party, State and Government for the territory, within the frameworks established by law.

3. To prepare and propose to the respective Popular Power Assembly the draft Economic Plan and Budget of the activities they direct, within the frameworks established by the Council of Ministers and once approved, to control their compliance, without prejudice to the work of the corresponding Assembly.

4. Controlar las plantillas de los cargos administrativos de las entidades subordinadas, conforme a la política que fije el Consejo de Ministros, ajustándose al presupuesto aprobado por la Asamblea del Poder Popular correspondiente.

5. To hear, evaluate and decide on the reports submitted to it by the administrative and economic entities that are subordinate to it, as well as, within the framework of its competence, what is of interest to entities of another subordination, on activities and issues that have an impact on the economic and social development of the territory.

6. To report, at least once a year, through its President, to the respective Popular Power Assembly on the issues it decides; and to the Higher Administration Organizations: to the Provincial Administration Council, in the case of the Municipal Councils, and to the Council of Ministers, in the case of the Provincial Councils and the Special Municipality of Isle of Youth, on their activities in general, whenever they so request.

7. Adopt decisions on measures for the best development of prevention work and social care in the territory, in accordance with the policy drawn up in this regard.

8. Prevent and confront indisciplines, illegalities and manifestations of corruption.

9. To adopt decisions that contribute in a prioritized manner to the better attention of the proposals, complaints and requests made by voters to their delegates, as well as any others, regardless of their origin, and to work on the identification and eradication of their causes, using the appropriate channels.

10. Demand that administrative offices, business organizations and budgeted units located in the territory provide adequate solutions to the problems raised by the population, or convincing explanations for cases that do not have an immediate or short-term solution.

11. Demand that the administrative directorates, business organizations and budgeted units located in the territory provide quality information to the delegates of the Assemblies of Popular Power when requested.

12. Interested, through the established channels, before the respective People's Power Assembly or before the Central Administration Organization of the corresponding State, as the case may be, in the revision of norms that have been dictated that do not conform to current legal provisions or harm the interests of the territory. However, the provisions shall be complied with, unless irreparable damage is caused, which shall be made known by the quickest means, so that the rule in question may be rectified.

13. Apply and generalize the contributions of the results of scientific research and technological innovation in the sustainable development of the territory.

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