By Gerardo Ortega.

The dance called "Las Mariposas" was known in Cortés and La Grifa and extended to Las Martinas between 1794 and 1850. This manifestation, mimicking the French rondo or ballroom dance, musically transferred a syncretism of Walá-walá, Haitian song, and the dance, with a mixture of contradanza in zapateo and some movements of Afro influence, when the women opened their multicolored skirts, which justified the name of Las Mariposas Dance".

The Fiesta de los Bandos was undoubtedly the one with the greatest roots and cultural value treasured for several years. Its origin is lost in that mist of the first decades of the nineteenth century, only illuminated by the texts of Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda, Villaverde or José Victoriano Betancourt.

By Gerardo Ortega.

In such a way the Cuban was characterized by the fun of the cockfight, from the very beginning, that each visitor to the Island when he wrote in his travel diary what was typical of us, referred to them; so, for example, it has happened since the middle of the nineteenth century, when Don Nicolás Tanco visits us, in January 1853.


The otero or hill where according to Leandro González Alcorta in the middle of the 18th century the population head of Pinar del Río, the Loma de Cuní, would be settled, as it was also called by the primitive inhabitants of the place, those who first settled on the banks of the Guamá and then fleeing the floodwaters of the river they expanded between its riverbed and the stream of the swamp; it would be the location of the main square (second place of arms) and the third historical center of the city.