Submitting a Claim and Processing It
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- Procedures UNE
- Hits: 27427
Clients may report a property damage complaint within three (3) working days of the event occurrence in the following ways:
By telephone to the number provided for service complaints in each territory.
By personal or telephone in the Commercial Offices or in the Municipal UEB
To submit a claim by the interested customer and accept it by the Electric Company, the building, premises, or place where damage occurs to the equipment whose replacement is claimed, must have basic electrical installations provided:
Neutral conductor in all the installations of the building.
Thermomagnetic switch (breaker) or fuses in the main protection.
Properly installed outlets, with no signs of false contact.
Conductors (cables) of adequate caliber with their splices correctly made and insulated.
If at the time of the damage the non-existence of the indicated protection equipment is established, the Electric Company will not proceed to replace the equipment or repair the damage.
Causes are considered for a claim for damage to property to be accepted for processing and evaluation, those attributable to the activity of the Electric Company and that come exclusively from:
Affectations of the electrical service reported to the Electricity Company.
Affectations of the electrical service due to opening and closing manipulations.
The circuit without mediate between them a time greater than three minutes.
Faulty disconnection or connection (false contact) of the "neutral" of the network.
Wear or lack of maintenance of the materials and equipment of the installations.
Of distribution.
The Company will not accept claims for the following reasons:
When the damage was caused by force majeure, fortuitous event or unauthorized manipulation of third parties to the electrical installations of the Company.
For damages caused by deficiencies in the internal installations of the client's property.
For any device used by the client directly or indirectly to commit fraud, according to Decree 260, and that the actions to commit such fraud constitute the cause of equipment damage.
When refrigerators whose machines have been repaired by private individuals are damaged and do not have any guarantee in state repair shops.
For damage caused by appreciable voltage variations caused by third parties or by the customer himself when operating welding machines in his home or in a nearby installation.
For damages caused by atmospheric discharges, natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents or other causes outside the normal activity of the Electric Company that affect the electrical networks.
Housing or services on clotheslines.
For further information you can consult the document: UC-CC 0009 Attention to damage to property.