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Judicial process of forced expropriation

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  • Application for expropriation, argued by the Provincial Delegate.
  • Proof of the warnings made to the accused in the cases that are required.
  • Written response from the small farmer with a stamp of $ 5.00 MN.
  • Inventory and appraisal of the Agricultural Production Unit.
  • Registry of the proposed purchase of the property and its acceptance or not by the owner.
  • Record of the land.
  • Certification of the debts issued by the bank.
  • Opinion of the President of the Credit and Services Cooperative.
  • Opinion of the ANAP President  the municipal, provincial and national levels.
  • Legal opinion signed by the Director or Head of the Provincial Department of Land Control and the Head of the Legal Department.
  • Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture.
  • Foliate, indexing and prescribing the dossier.
  • Notification.
  • Complaint dossier with the Provincial People's Court.
  • Sentence.
  • Notification to the Company that will receive the land and to the Individual.
  • Update the area of the Company that receives the land in the register of land tenure.

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