In the summer day the passages were widely accepted so the service was extended. With exit from the own office every Saturday there is trip to beach Bailén and Sundays to the park La Güira. For both destinations the price to pay per person is 85 pesos, including transportation, snack and lunch.
Juan Carlos Pereda, the Bureau's main specialist, explains that the office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m., with Fridays and Saturdays closing at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Created on October 16, 2014 with the objective of marketing the different accommodations that the EPAG has, also make the promotion to units subordinate to other entities belonging to the Business Group of Commerce, such as Mangos de Roque Hotel in Mantua and La Siguaraya Motel in La Palma, for it has manuals and photos of the various centers.
In the city there is availability for reservations at La Marina Hotel, recently renovated, and also offer services accommodation houses, Pinar Encanto, Amor del Pinar and Sol Encanto.
Those interested can call the Reservations Bureau at 48 753711.
Institutional Facebook: Empresa Provincial de Alojamiento y Gastronomía (Provincial Enterprise of Accommodation and Gastronomy)
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