Directs, implements and evaluates the Programs of Control, Vigilance, Epidemiology, Environmental, State Sanitary Inspection, Non-Contagious Diseases, Promotion and Education for Health with projections in the field of Scientific and Technical research, Teaching and Sanitary Standardization in order to continuously improve the quality of life.
We are a center that achieves an adequate conduction of the programs of Contagious and Non-Contagious Diseases, as well as the control of environmental risks, developing actions of Health Promotion and Prevention of Diseases in function of elevating the quality of life offering at the same time services of excellence in our laboratories whenever we manage to improve our human resources and improve our center constructively, counting on a group of workers committed to obtain superior results.
Address: Martí Street, No. 159 between Cavada and Ciprian Valdés
Telephones: 48-752191, 48- 754192, 48-752199, 48-753967, 48-754296, 48-757976, 48-755807
Secretary's telephone: 48-753020
Telephone of attention to the population: 48-779321
STI/HIV/AIDS counseling line: 48-757502
Addiction Counseling Line: 48-729999
E-mail of the entity: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Services provided:
1 - Health promotion and disease prevention
2 -Microbiology laboratory
3 - Control and prevention of vector diseases.
4 - Prevention of animal diseases transmitted to humans (Zoonoses).
5 - Attention to patients with HIV-AIDS.
6 -Control of contagious and non-contagious diseases.
7 - Epidemiological surveillance of food, water, as well as solid and liquid waste from all work centers, educational centers and self-employed workers.
8 - State Health Inspection and Auditing
9- Counseling Service where psychological support is provided, orientation and information is provided and healthy lifestyles are promoted.
The province has 6 Microbiology laboratories:
- A Provincial Microbiology Center.
- Two Municipal Centers located in Guane and Consolación del Sur.
- Provincial hospitals (HPPP, LCR and HAS).
- Microbiology Service in the municipality of Sandino.
- Four Health Areas in the municipality of Pinar del Rio and other municipalities in the province.
The Provincial Laboratory has been able to guarantee the work for the fundamental Programs of Hygiene and Epidemiology and has given response to the Hygienic - Epidemiological Events. We are currently relocated in the Provincial Hygiene Center (Water, Food, Toxicology, SUMA and HIV Confirmation Department) and in the Pediatric Hospital, in the same Microbiology Laboratory of the Hospital (Clinical Bacteriology, Zoonosis, Parasitology, Malaria, Serology, TB and Quality Control).
Examinations are performed by department in each location:
In the Provincial Center of Hygiene the Chemical and Microbiological analysis of samples of Water and Food coming from state companies and from the private sector is carried out, governed by a system of sanitary vigilance of Pinar del Rio, there is also the department of Hospital Disinfection that carries out the control of the quality of the disinfectant solutions of the hospitals and polyclinics of the province and the department of Occupational Toxicology where the samples of blood and urine of workers exposed occupationally to pesticides and metals, as well as to their work environment are analyzed. In the department of SUMA different diagnoses are made: HIV, surface antigen for Hepatitis B, antibodies for C, PSA of the 4 areas of health and diagnosis of Dengue throughout the province.
In the departments located in the laboratory of Microbiology of the Pediatric Hospital, samples are received for urocultures, coprocultures, bacteriological vaginal exudates, otic, ocular and skin. The quality control of Serology, Malaria, Parasitology, diagnosis of Toxoplasma, Brucellas and Leptospira, of the adult population of the municipality of Pinar del Rio, Viñales, Minas, San Juan, San Luis and La Palma is carried out.
In the rest of the municipalities, Microbiology service laboratories are provided such as: Direct Sputum, direct vaginal, serology and fecal feces and in the municipality of Sandino these are provided and samples are taken for bacteriological diagnosis of vaginal exudates, otic, skin, ocular and coprocultures.