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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Capitan San Luis Stadium

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When Pinar del Río entered the National Series in 1967, the stadiums in charge of hosting it were Julito Díaz in Artemisa and CVD in Bauta. With the triumph of the Revolution in January 1959 and the beginning, a few years later, of the construction of baseball stadiums throughout Cuba, the need arises to place in Pinar del Río province, a main stadium that would welcome different baseball teams.
This is the origen of Capitán San Luis Stadium, which has been the Pinar del Río team since its inauguration in 1969.
In addition, important sports, recreational and cultural events of great importance have been developed, such as concerts and mass events. The stadium was inaugurated on January 19, 1969 during the 9th National Series and under repairs it was reopened on November 30, 2004. The inaugural clash was between the teams of Pinar del Rio and Havana, where the latter defeated the hosts 6x0, with victory of pitcher
Heliodoro Sarduy and reverse of Gerardo Hernandez.
Estadio Capitán San Luis

The stadium has a Protocol Room in addition to the still-preserved dormitories, parking, cafeteria, dining room, electronic blackboard, transmission booth and the Protocol Room itself exhibits the so-called "Gallery of the Great Champions of Baseball in the Province", with photographs and the trophy won by the cast in the Gold Series (50 SN). The Baseball Academy, the Sports Informatics Center and other dependencies of the Provincial Direction of Sports in Pinar del Río are located in the same place.
The stadium served as headquarters since 1969 to Pinar del Río team in the National Series and later to the Vegueros and Forestales teams during the national tournaments of the '60s to '90s. When Pinar del Río became part of the selective tournaments in 1975, the stadium served as the headquarters for the team as well as the so-called Occidentales, both for the Selective and the so-called Super Selective, respectively. The stadium has also been used for international tournaments such as the IV José A. Huelga Tournament in 1988 and the XII Intercontinental Cup in 1995.
The facility has also hosted international games against professional teams such as those against the Prince Hotel of Japan and Diablos Rojos of Mexico, as well as hosted four friendly matches with U.S. veteran teams. It is located on Calle Gerardo Medina, between Avenida Capitán San Luis and Rafael Morales Capacity: 9,354 people Dimensions: Left Field: 325 feet, Center Field: 400, Right Field: 325


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